Currently, the Thomas fire raging through Southern California has not reached Florabundance. Therefore, the wholesale company in Carpinteria intends to proceed with its sixth annual Inspiration Design Days program next month.
The discounted room rate expires on Monday, so interested attendees should act quickly.
Florabundance Design Days runs Monday, January 15 through Wednesday, January 17, with an opening reception and wine tasting on Sunday night. Registration covers:
- five design sessions with some of the most influential florists in the world (including all necessary materials)
- professional photos of your curated designs
- daily lunch and a closing dinner
- breakfast at Florabundance, followed by a tour of the facility
The featured designers include Adam and Alicia Rico from Dallas, Texas;
Kiana Underwood from Burlingame, California; Hitomi Gilliam, AIFD, EMD,
from Vancouver, British Columbia; Brian Watson from Fort Walton Beach, Florida; and Holly Chapple from Lucketts, Virginia.
“Aside from Hitomi, they’re not AIFD designers, but they have a style that customers love and they all have huge followings,” said Florabundance CEO Joost Bongaerts. “Collectively, they have about 8,000 Instagram followers, so there will be a lot of eyes on our event.”
Design days offers attendees a crash course in the latest trends, introduction to new techniques and varieties of flowers to elevate their work, as well as networking opportunities.
“It’s a florist’s equivalent of being a kid in a candy shop,” Bongaerts said.
The Society of American Florists will have exclusive coverage of 2018 Design Days, so stay tuned for upcoming issues of Floral Management and Wednesday E-Brief for behind-the-scenes photos.
To register, click here.