Men dig flowers

Men Dig Flowers Too

If you follow Mayesh Wholesale on Instagram, you may have noticed a lot more guys in their feed than usual.

The company recently wrapped up its #MayeshDudesNBlooms Instagram photo challenge.IMG_4121

While discussing prospective themes with her team, marketing director Yvonne Ashton mentioned that Father’s Day was coming up. “With the popularity of the #flowerbeard hashtag (1,700 posts and counting), we thought it could be a cool way to highlight flowers for the guys, since more often than now, the flowers we see online are for the ladies,” she said.

While the contest only drew 108 entries, a fraction of previous contests, Ashton called it a success.

“We saw some great creativity from the designers and from our own people,” she said. “Additionally, we saw a bump in our follower growth, thus helping us increase our brand awareness (always a goal with this type of campaign). It was so much fun to check the hashtag feed each day to see what everyone had come up with!”

Has your shop experimented with this look yet?