In a bold move designed to leverage the web sites of ~12,000 local florists, Teleflora Web Services introduced – without the knowledge of the florists – a secretive link to their own retail web site. Nearly half a million links from the web pages of real florists are being filtered through a hidden link optimized for the search term “flowers”.
Read the complete write-up on Teleflora’s Shady Link Scheme on the FloristSEO Blog.
I have been following this and appreciate the additional information you are providing. Keep up the good work
Teleflora is giving local florists bad raps. I ordered a White Poinsettia for my mother in Florida thru Teleflora. I received the thank you call for the beautiful RED poinsettia. I contacted Teleflora to advise them of the mistake and was told that the order had authorized substitution. NO WAY…expcept it is pre-written in the fine print. I was told bascially tough! Baskets and ribbons are one thing but an entirely different plant is another. The local florist, I’m sure thought that I had indeed authroized a substitution when they did not have white. Problem is, I now know the florist and both the local florist and Teleflora lose my business and everyone I can find to tell about my experience. Unfortunately, I and others have had this type thing happen way too often with the big online clearing houses. Local flortists need to either get these guys to clean up their acts are lose them.