Alabama Florist’s Mother’s Day Arrangements Benefit Local Neonatal Unit

To their surprise (and delight), about 150 mothers in Tuscaloosa, Ala., opened their doors Friday to find a brawny fireman bearing flowers. The early Mother’s Day gifts were part of “Celebrate Mom,” a fundraiser to help the local hospital, DCH Health System, purchase beds for its neonatal unit. Those extra special deliveries came from The

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What is your story?

How Storytelling Can Build a Real Connection with your Audience

When people think of marketing, they think of sleazy salesman equipped with lies and snake oil. They think of the unfavorable times that their wallets were gutted by unfulfilled promises. They think of dishonest corporate culture that is filled to the brim cold, often robotic, ideas and slogans. People do not think fondly of marketing.

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Facebook Marketing

Facebook can be used for many things, and sometimes the options can be blinding. Mark Wallrapp, Facebook’s Director of Strategic Accounts, suggests focusing on less to accomplish more. He recommends staying true to the voice of the brand and tapping into people’s emotions. He states that companies need to figure out what they are good at,

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