“How to Compete Workshop” – a Hands-on Class
April 6, 2006
Instructors: Patricia Gomez AIFD & Debbie Wright AAF TMFA
Southern Floral Company – 1313 West 20th Street, Houston, TX 77008
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Designs made by participants will be evaluated and feedback will be given to enhance design skills.
Class will benefit all floral designers, not just those interested in competing.
Best of Show included in Southern’s program later that evening.
Event is a Fundraiser for TSFA
Cost to participate $45 TSFA member / Non-member $85
For more info and to register contact Susan Weatherford at (713) 880-1300,
Dianna Doss at (800) 375-0361, or Debbie Wright at (713) 944-4303