Taking a Family Florist(18FloralEvents.com) owned and operated by only family members for over 35 years in Brooklyn and making it one of the major players in NYC Events, while not losing our focus on our clients everyday floral needs. With his work as a Buisness manager for various celebs Joe Flowers has a been providing his clients with complete satisfaction through organization, efficiency, and out of the box thinking to achieve maximum results with every campaign. Every project is custom tailored to the specific needs and goals of his client. Everything from Modeling to singing,Events, PR and Photography,Broadway to Beverly Hills, clients from Actress Antonique Smith to Fashionista Nole' Marin he has been able to connect a world of people together in a way that furthers everyones career. Joe boasts a proven track record of getting people quality work and excellent signing deals with all of the industries major players.
Theatre, Fashion, Sports
- Location
- Business Name
- 18 Floral Events
- State / Prov
- NY
- Country
- Industry Segment
- Florist
- Twitter Username
- JoeFlowers
- Facebook User ID
- joeyflowers
- Occupation
- Owner