Lara Adoracion Carpio Sison

Read and Learn: In life, never welcome something you can't entertain.Never open your doors if your heart means to close.Never accept love if you can't give yourself in return.Never start a relationship you know you would want to end..<3 <3 <3 i am NON-EXiSTENT. But in the eyes of those who understand, i EXiST. i am EViL. But to people who learned to dig within me, i became the definition of GOOD. i am NUMB. But to the few whom i learned to like and trust, i became the MOST SENSiTiVE person they had ever knew. i am SiMPLE, yet COMPLEX. i can be either your FRiEND or your ENEMY. To the world, i am NOTHiNG. But to the lives that i have touched, i could be their EVERYTHiNG. And in whatever way someone would accept me, i'd still be WHO i AM.. . <3 <3 <3 i am LäRä SiSøN, and i know some people don't LiKE me. They HATE the way i DO things, the way i ACT, and the way i DEAL with others. But you know what? @@@@ ON WHAT THE HECK THEY THiNK!i will do WHATEVER i want.i will do what i think is RiGHT.This is ME. My LiFE.My RULES.My STYLE.Because i am a REAL person, not an iMMiTATiON.!! <3 <3 <3

<3 <3 <3In the cruel world of LOVE,these are things that we had learned:pROMiSES aren't contracts.KiSSES aren't assurances.SWEET WORDS aren't guarantees.BiG HUGS aren't bonds.Nothing's permanent in this LiFE.Loving someone isn't always about fairy t
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