Become A Florist 2.0 Community Advertising Partner

Reach thousands of florists by partnering with the #1 online community for the floral industry!

As a Florist 2.0 Community Advertising Partner you have access to unique means to engage with the largest and most active florist industry audience available.

Get Started

To get started as a Florist 2.0 Community Advertising Partner please call 800-314-8895 x101, or email [email protected].


Traditional banner advertising places your marketing message directly in front of our audience of florist industry professionals. Select from a variety of banner sizes and placements, or save $250 by purchasing the banner bundle for full coverage. Provide your own banners, or purchase our banner creation service for professional designs.

  • Top of home tile - 336x280 - $150
  • Sidebar - 240x400 - $125
  • Thread - 728x90 - $200
  • Blog - 300x250 - $150
  • Media - 200x200 & 728x90 - $125
  • Bundle $500 ($750 value)

Banner creation service: 5 professionally created banners $195

Audience Targeting

This marketing service is unique to the Florist 2.0 Community, and places your text and graphic ads in front of our florist audience on millions of 3rd party websites across the internet. This means your branding will be seen by your target audience over an extended period of time, greatly reinforcing your messaging and brand identity. No other service gets you this kind of reach and exposure.

  • Display Network (3rd party sites)
    • Text & display ads
    • Suggested sizes: 336x280, 300x250, 728x90, 160x600
    • $500 monthly (larger budgets available by request)
  • Facebook
    • 1200x627 image
    • Text: Headline 25 characters, Body 90 characters
    • $300

Email & Print

Email and print marketing is available through Strider Media. Please contact [email protected] to request a full Media Kit.

  • Email - North American list (mostly US): ~9,500 readers
  • Email - Canada (very minimal overlap with NA list): ~2,500 readers
  • Print Magazine - Canada: ~6,000 subscribers

Email options include newsletter ads, featured spotlight, and dedicated email blasts. Campaigns are priced per list, with bundling options available.

Bonus options

Florist 2.0 Community Advertising Partners are also encouraged to write guest posts for the Florist 2.0 blog, and consider sponsoring contests for our Facebook pages.