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  • Hi:
    I was wondering if I may send you a price list and a list of varieties and why noy daily availabilities from our farm in Ecuador so you can actually compare how much you can save buying direct besides the other advantages..If you are interested please send me an email to : paul@rosegardenec.com
    Hi Chatter, don't know if you need suggestions for tips, but if you get stuck, here are a few.

    Use Elmers glue to remove those tiny thorns from your fingers (the ones you can feel, but can't see)

    Do arrangements in an assembly line you can go twice as fast.

    Pre green more than you need. (you can always use them later)

    Walk-ins will be slow, so do Del. confirmations during the day or if possible when your drivers get back.

    Great thread only 12 to go!
    Hi Just wanted to tell you that I just found out that I got that scholarship You helped me with threw Michigan Floral association~ Thanks you so much~ I will continue to keep myself updated with classes and take what I learn and give back to the flower ~ community ~thanks again.. P.S. how are you!!!
    Thanks for the compliment about the website. No free time to do websites as a side business, but it is kind of fun fussing with mine. Can't wait to get the photo's back for my "Wedding of the Year" segment on my wedding site. That will be fun to create.
    Thanks Again
    It wasn't a mess. Your shop is darling - and it was fun to meet you, too. :)


    Just visiting your page to say hello! Thanks for turning me on to the show Peter Perfect! It rocks! Have an awesome weekend!

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