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  • Hey Lori, Favor to ask and please say no if you're too busy. I saw some bar stools on craigs list that look like they'd be nice for my new location. They are in Melrose and if they are still available I was wondering if you could take a look at them for me? I'd hate to go all that way when I'm short of time just to see them in person and find out they suck. If you can, let me know, and if not, no worries! Hope you are having a nice summer and getting some business as well as some fun!
    Lori, Have a fantastic birthday. I hope you can do something fun and relaxing before the crazy week of Mothers day begins. You deserve it!
    Just wanted to say chin up Lori, i hate it when work goes home and it causes rows, i thought i was the only one although it doesnt happen as much now it still does rear its ugly head now and again. Take care of home first but make sure you are happy and you dont just do something to please someone else.. From what i have read you have achieved so much.... here if you need to have a chat paula xx
    Gee! Thanks! When I started blogging a year ago, it never occurred to me that fellow florists would be readers, seriously. Husband is relieved I have blogging and FC as outlets for my thoughts!
    Lori, I am so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. Business is tough and it is always hard to decide what to do about your shop. I have been there, there is a time when you just know. I was lucky that I was able to roll my shop into Nunans and move forward. Is there another shop (bakery, gift store, bridal shop) in town that you might be able to work with? I have said a prayer for you and I know all will work out. Call me if you need someone to talk to.
    Lori, I've been reading all this stuff your going through. I have no great ideas and it hurts. What I can say is that everyone on FC cares about you very much... and it may be this wild bunch that can come up with something for you. The Rabbit does care... so does my kitty cat.
    Are you still feeling the same way as in your post? Are things looking up? I would like to know if there is some way to help?

    Please let me know - here is my e mail danfisher@creationsbyfitzdesign.com
    Hang in there Lori!! Fight the good fight...you can do this!! Know that someone is out there rooting for you! Trying to rack my brain for you for some ideas for cash flow NOW!~A
    your blog was so heart warming I know your pain,Ive lived it,I wish I had the courage and now...the money to do it,Im so happy for you doing this at such a young age you have many ,many years to enjoy life...good luck to you....Ruth@ A Flower Basket inc.
    Hey Lori, if we don't DEMAND respect, we can't command respect! Every Marine, once graduated from BOOT CAMP, and having committed their GENERAL ORDERS to MEMORY, goes through the rest of their lives with the manta: DUTY, HONOR, and COUNTRY! And, HONOR is a two way street!

    Semper Fi!
    Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you...

    This saying carries me through many days.
    Lori you can't make that kind of statement!! Business Just Sucks Right Now!!
    I Really Think You Need To Put The Pumpkin Spice As The Main Arrangement and Change The Price To $39.99.

    Give it try lori!!!
    Hi Lori,I love YOUR arrangements-Showcase them-not the FTD pics. When I see the funeral homes listed, &flowers sent there,Im expecting to see your work,Then I see the other stuff-It makes it kind of unbelievable-or dissapointing. I dont feel so great about commenting-since I dont even have a website-I guess that says alot huh? But Im writing-taking the "Consumer spot because Ive been trying to put my stuff together,so Im looking alot. Another thing I would do is match the Main item to the holiday arrangement. I have no guts, the rest Im sending private so Idont get hissed at as a critic. I just want to help.(Im not re doing this because I type too slowly.uugh
    All right lori!!!

    Hey I think you need to put the pumpkin spice as the main arrangement.

    And change the price to $29.99
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