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  • He had that cut for the holiday !! he would have it bright Red if he had his way ??? lol
    I just looked at your shop...its adorable...mines still in the making inside and out....I have been to England a couple of times for extended visits, I have friends in Milton Keynes and they were in Baldock, have been in London and Luton and a lot of little cities near where they lived and both times was there for about a month. I have to say your shop is cuter than any I saw there and most of your grocery stores carried more flowers than the little shops, I got her flowers for her wedding at Tescos....I did their flowers from their home as my gift to them. I loved it.
    Thanks Twiggy, not got the picks yet. The photographer took them and is going to drop them off on a disc so it may take a bit yet, thank you so much for you lovely comments x
    Hi palms- your wedding bouquets are beautiful- just checking for your bridal fair pictures-i was reading your thread- glad everything worked out well for you!
    Hey did you see this post about yourself? It was posted by Lally's Bouquet 3 days ago. I told you that You Rock!

    Just for the record, Palms in England is the superhero that is doing 73 weddings this year... I have done 24 only....
    But with this baby coming, 24 is already more than I can handle!!!
    HI! I have been missing you - I just love having Famous friends LOL. Hope you are having a great day!!!
    Hi! This is a silly little question but I have 2 little green boxes by my name do you know what they mean and or how I got them??

    Visiting your page to say hello! I have 32 cousins living in England, and I love to visit your beautiful country! Your albums are awesome and I always enjoy your posts! Hope to get to know you better on FlowerChat! Carpe diem!

    Palms I keep trying to get this post 2 u
    HER name is Pauley Perrette (Parrette sp) from Amercian TV show NCIS.....She ROCKS!
    Hey, I was just stopping by to find out if you decided on the green sunflower for your new logo. It's pretty cool!
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