2 questions of the day, please


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Nov 10, 2005
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Two questions of the day, please....

1. Does anyone have a source for Manzanita branches? I need one large for a place card table at the end of the month (just added today). does not need to be in a base, we can do that.

2. Was asked today to supply centerpieces for a "club look" for a party. This is a Christmas party. Lots of uplighting. Flower colors we suggested were either all purples or all whites, with silver accents. What is your definition or interpretation of a "club look"? (I'm really struggling with this one -- what I am envisioning, and what is being conveyed to me in suggested pictures are not matching...or even close.) Need help with what this "look" is supposed to be like.

Your thoughts or help would be appreciated.

You can get manzanita from Mountain Farms (mountainfarms.com) and I believe Accent Decor as well.

I am striking out though with ideas for your second question. Not sure what kind of "club" they talking about? Do they mean night club? Do they have more info as far as any props or decor that will already be there to set the mood? Maybe something more specific would be helpful.
that's my problem also. Defining a "club look". (I think meaning night club....but what they are sending me over in pictures is very elegant table centerpieces --- not at all "clubby".

We are transforming a ballroom into a "club look". that's all the information I have been given. Plus there will be lots of up-lighting used.

I am really struggling with this one....and I am not usually at a loss for ideas.

Sorry I can't be of more help. "Elegant" and "clubby feel" just don't go together!
Maybe these people don't know what a "club look" is either? I envision disco balls for a club, but I'm probably thinking 80's. lol
well, if you ask me, I see club look as repetitive....Think of techno music, very repetitive beat.

I see cube arrangements in row with deco beads and alcolytes, monobotanical designs, but very large flowers. like white amaryllis, white oriental lilies, etc. Very clean look.

Or maybe cyms under glass, Tall cylinders, or cubes, combo, etc.
Again, very clean.
Not frilly.

Some taller designs in corners, etc. But all in the same theme/look.

NO GLITTER!!! NO Mardi Gras beads, nothing super corny or "party store" like.
While 'elegant' and 'club' seem almost polar in opposition, in fact, they aren't. If you do any kind of research in to the old style performance clubs of the twenties and thirties - you would find very elegant, upscale furnishings, tables, very elegantly prepared meals, ultra-fine wines and spirits.

I would create very elegant centerpeices of your chosen colors.......say purple and silver.......then to bring in a night-club effect, use the small led lights and the glo-stick products.

Lavish uses of open roses, classically formed flowers such as callas, use of glitter was prevalent as all that glitz, shine, and sparkle was thought to epitomize elagance and style.

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Glad you found the manzanita. Pricing on shipping is high and if you need a large piece, check with Pgh Cut first. I had some brought in on a truck this summer with another order and the pricing wasn't bad. If you are ever in a bind, I rent out my crystal tree.

As for a "club look", my guess is that they want a Miami lounge feel? http://www.isntshelovely.org/2008/08/sit-back-relax.html

This look involves lots of lighting, very clean looks, sharp angles, and simple arrangements. Like a room uplit in all purple lighting with all white, square furniture with white simple, modern vases with a grouping of one flower (if purple, a large hydrangea bloom only or a grouping of only purple anemones.)
Hi Cheryl,

The arrangement you see is a martini glass with a twist. It's called "Glee" from accent decor. 16", 20", and 24". The lights are ice lites, also accent decor. (Dis-regard the cards, this was for a casino theme.) But I'm thinking it might work for you. The roses are glittered. By the way, the ice lights come in different colors, but I chose one that they call tri-light. You get something like 8 different color settings in the same cube, but the setting I chose flashes with 3 colors at once.

I hope this helps!

How old are the people asking for the Club look?

This is why I ask,

Natalie, Sarah, Brooke, and Kate (the yung-uns I used to work with) Had a definite idea of what was cool and what wasn't.

There were things that I thought was so cutting edge and "young" looking (I'm 38 BTW) and they would wrinkle their noses and let me know just how corn ball or uncool it was.

It amazes me how 10 little years make such a difference in "what cool" and what is not. And how one person sees cool and one does not.

Glitter is one thing for sure that seems to really offend... I love glitter....But again I'm 38...The under 29 set that I used to work with thought glitter was ridiculous...unless it was on sparkle greeting cards. :)
well, if you ask me, I see club look as repetitive....Think of techno music, very repetitive beat.

I see cube arrangements in row with deco beads and alcolytes, monobotanical designs, but very large flowers. like white amaryllis, white oriental lilies, etc. Very clean look.

Or maybe cyms under glass, Tall cylinders, or cubes, combo, etc.
Again, very clean.
Not frilly.

Some taller designs in corners, etc. But all in the same theme/look.

NO GLITTER!!! NO Mardi Gras beads, nothing super corny or "party store" like.

Don't know the ages of the attendees or of the party sponsor. I was told "it shoudn't matter." (that's the kind of answers I have been getting all day, BTW).

What you and I see as a "club look" match....thank you for reinforcing my research, and making me believe that I'm not nuts! Thanks also Ricky......I found some of what you described as a "club look" also, and also offered that look as a possibility.

From the research I did, lighting seems to be the key. The single large flowers are what I envisioned also.

Cymbs in glass (tall, 6" wide x 24" tall) cylinders were rejected earlier tonight. Clusters of what roses (12) arranged in tall cylinder, with silver or black wire -- also rejected.

Linda - we have 10" martini glasses -- offered those & they were rejected as too ordinary!

Hanging crystals were at first asked for -- then silver beads were asked for -- then both were rejected.

What we have now offered (and I think it will work with the lighting that is planned) is low 6x6" cylinders with all white hydrangea, and possibly a few silver mm balls as accents, with tall cylinders for about 1/3 of the tables, with a large ball of hydrangea on top, silver branches inside the cylinder and silver branches out the top of the hydrangea ball.

Both arrangements will be placed on a 6" light disk -- I think the lighting will be purple or maybe blue (at this point, I am so confused, I am not sure what my name is).

Table cloths are black. They are using black chair covers, with a white satin sash in a x-cross pattern & tie (no bow -- just a knot & tie).

Does this sound "cluby" to you all?

Perhaps they mean a different sort of club....like Country Club. That's elegant to me.
When I think of clubs I think of places like the sound bar in Chicago. It's modern with bright colors... very high style. I think Jeff Latham's designs would probably be a decent place to look for inspiration when going for a club look.

Here's some pics of Sound Bar btw:



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Reactions: HeatherTuckey
Cheryl, your situation reminds me of the event we did in October, they couldn't agree on anything and I felt like pulling my hair out. We worked with these folks all summer to make them happy, I'm happy for you that you only have a week to deal with this, good luck.
Thanks Trish for your kindness, and everyone for your comments & suggestions.

The pictures posted above are what I would describe as a "club look".............However......not what the event planner has in mind....and that is completely different from what the company owner wants.

hence, the reason why I am insane, and I have no hair left!
