800flowers sucks......PART 2

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
Edge of the World
You won't believe this; those losers are still trying to cancel this order! Two days after the order and delivery and the phone conversation after delivery and their "adjustment" of their records so we get paid, I got a call trying to straighten out the order!!! Apparently the order was FOR to us from Howse in St John's and 800 flowers told me today that all of their messages had been exchanged between them and Howse which they weren't... including A SECOND CAN ordered by another supervisor !!! She wanted me to DEN the second CAN but I didn't receive it!!!!! I've wasted way too much time with this order and Sunny, it only confirms what I'd said all along, that I was right in refusing to fill 800flowers orders so I should not have given them a second chance.
Whats with CityTV's 'HEAVY SNOWFALL WARNING' , a full 5 centimeters; can't they remember that 5 cm= 2 inches!!!!
2" is like 2' when you live in Toronto

I dosen't even have to snow there, all they have to do is mention the word on the radio and the 401 is blocked from one end of the city to the other!! Maybe they'll call in the army;)
not to worry

The Army is already on alert , as we all know anymore than 5 cm and everything shuts down and the army has to take over !
Wimpy Torontonians!!! Ha.
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