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Hi, you called me on the phone this morning asking about my website, I'm glad you found your way here.

La Jolla Village Florist
I can vouch for A Arrangement. They are great people, They work hard and do a lot for our State Association. Also, the FTD Master designer they have just happens to be our Newly elected SCFA president Melanie Jennings.

Thanks Ricky & Darrel
Welcome - read much ~ post often!
Welcome! Who from A Arrangements are you? I hope you come to love FC as much as I do.

Folks, this is one of the largest shops in upstate SC, outstanding folks.

Rick, Melanie is now managing a shop in Landrum, SC, a branch of Billy & Debbie Bush's Expressions Unlimited.
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ooooopsie - my bad - A Arrangement is still a great shop though.
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