The SEO/SEM community was well aware of the misleading and deceptive practices of Traffic Power and offered Wall assistance."Plaintiffs think they can bully Web sites and blogs into doing what they want," commented Eric Goldman, an attorney, and a faculty member at the Marquette University School of Law, located in Milwaukee, Wis.
A suit like this was created to intimidate and silence critics. Now, if the critics make false allegations, they put themselves directly in the cross-hairs. But a suit can also expose the suing company to even more scrutiny - and make them open their books & business practices to the world - which could cost them a whole lot more.The Aaron Wall vs. Traffic Power lawsuit was actually a beautiful thing. The SEO/SEM community go together and backed Aaron with their support including money, links, advice and guidance. Even more, Matt Cutts of Google went above and beyond and helped Aaron Wall by officially confirming Traffic Power was banned by Google, something Google never did until that date. So the whole process, although very problematic for Aaron, helped the SEO industry grow tremendously. Finally in April 2006, the Traffic Power vs. Aaron Wall case was dismissed.
In January, Leslie Richard got a call from a man from Vision Media Television. The Boca Raton, Florida, TV production company wanted to know if Richard would agree to be interviewed for a documentary on eco-fashion. According to Richard, the caller implied that the film might air on PBS or possibly on CNN.
Remember that Rich and Kathy's cease and desist letter from ProFlowers was not about the truthfulness of their video, but about the use of the trademarked name by a 'competing business.'
I've seen several posters here who routinely post negative things about a certain set of 1600 pound gorillas.
be careful.....