About Happy

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New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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Hi to you all
I am not yet qualified as a florist, am currently training at Pershore College in the Uk.
Always had an intrest in floristry and after moving house a year ago and rapidly approaching 40, thought it was time to take bull by the horns and go to college!
Really enjoying the course. When i stumbled across this website thought it would be an ideal way to meet other florists, good tips, good ideas and chat!!
hi Happy

Hi Happy
I am a uk florist. What course are you taking is it the City and Guilds or the National? Did you know that you can register with the Society of Florists as a Student? Presumably whichever course you are taking it is 3 years. Good luck with it, if you don't have a placement in a florist shop on your course I would advise asking a local florist if you can go in to help her or him without pay on your day off just for the experience. It will be more than worth it to use what you are learning at college in a shop enviroment. I did that when I was a student and it was so valuable.:)
Hi Rainbow
Thank you for your reply.
I am doing a part time city & guilds course at the moment. I will look in to registering with Society of Florists, thanks for that.
I see you are from the Wirral, I lived on the Wirral for 17 years, only left there last year and really miss it.
Also in training...


I am also still in training with KEITS...NVQ3 at the moment...is set up very similar to an apprenticeship.....rather interesting, as not through a college..
shall talk to you again...too late now! Cheerio!

quote=happy;101676]Hi to you all
I am not yet qualified as a florist, am currently training at Pershore College in the Uk.
Always had an intrest in floristry and after moving house a year ago and rapidly approaching 40, thought it was time to take bull by the horns and go to college!
Really enjoying the course. When i stumbled across this website thought it would be an ideal way to meet other florists, good tips, good ideas and chat!!

I am also still in training with KEITS...NVQ3 at the moment...is set up very similar to an apprenticeship.....rather interesting, as not through a college..
shall talk to you again...too late now! Cheerio!

quote=happy;101676]Hi to you all
I am not yet qualified as a florist, am currently training at Pershore College in the Uk.
Always had an intrest in floristry and after moving house a year ago and rapidly approaching 40, thought it was time to take bull by the horns and go to college!
Really enjoying the course. When i stumbled across this website thought it would be an ideal way to meet other florists, good tips, good ideas and chat!!
Hi Bluebellinata
Good to hear from you, i hate to sound thick but what is KEITS???? I really am a newby, only started college 3 weeks ago..lol :hammer:


KEITS is a government (LSC and European Social Fund) sponsored privately run institution which offers training programs (also connected somehow to LANTRA) in floristry and other land based professions which are structured like an apprenticeship; meaning that you do the training in a shop with your KEITS assessor coming to visit you and assessing your projects/work.

Hi Bluebellinata
Good to hear from you, i hate to sound thick but what is KEITS???? I really am a newby, only started college 3 weeks ago..lol :hammer:[/quote]

KEITS is a government (LSC and European Social Fund) sponsored privately run institution which offers training programs (also connected somehow to LANTRA) in floristry and other land based professions which are structured like an apprenticeship; meaning that you do the training in a shop with your KEITS assessor coming to visit you and assessing your projects/work.

Hi Bluebellinata
So how long is your training and how far into the training are you?
With my course only being one morning a week, i'm looking for shop to go and do some voluntary work just to get some experience!! (any florists shop in Kidderminster area need a hand??) :squish:
It varies, I think....

Hello Happy,

I, myself, had a set-up to do the NVQ2 in the time of 9-10 months - due to my age; the NVQ3 which I am currently undertaking will have to be finished this Xmas 07 which gave me about 9 months....I think it is a very good scheme because you really get in touch with the reality in the "customer-world" .....there are other time schemes I think for younger age groups, not quite sure though...



KEITS is a government (LSC and European Social Fund) sponsored privately run institution which offers training programs (also connected somehow to LANTRA) in floristry and other land based professions which are structured like an apprenticeship; meaning that you do the training in a shop with your KEITS assessor coming to visit you and assessing your projects/work.

Hi Bluebellinata
So how long is your training and how far into the training are you?
With my course only being one morning a week, i'm looking for shop to go and do some voluntary work just to get some experience!! (any florists shop in Kidderminster area need a hand??) :squish:
Hello Happy,

I, myself, had a set-up to do the NVQ2 in the time of 9-10 months - due to my age; the NVQ3 which I am currently undertaking will have to be finished this Xmas 07 which gave me about 9 months....I think it is a very good scheme because you really get in touch with the reality in the "customer-world" .....there are other time schemes I think for younger age groups, not quite sure though...


I'm coming up for 40 and was worried i'd be the only mature student...lol, infact on my course there are only two young girls.
Did you find it easy getting a florists shop to work in?:newbie
I actually found the shop before Keits came to the shop!
It just fell into place...as some things in life do! :~)
P.S. I am quite a bit your senior!

Hello Happy,

I, myself, had a set-up to do the NVQ2 in the time of 9-10 months - due to my age; the NVQ3 which I am currently undertaking will have to be finished this Xmas 07 which gave me about 9 months....I think it is a very good scheme because you really get in touch with the reality in the "customer-world" .....there are other time schemes I think for younger age groups, not quite sure though...


I'm coming up for 40 and was worried i'd be the only mature student...lol, infact on my course there are only two young girls.
Did you find it easy getting a florists shop to work in?:newbie
No, no, it is not my shop.....meaning I found the job in the shop before I trained....:~)

lol... sorry, you were very lucky finding a job & the training. Maybe one day you'll have a shop, i suppose we all live in hope!!!!
I'm loving the course, just finding the ribbons a bit tricky, down to the fact my thumbs joints are past their best!
Don't think so....

I don't really ever like to have my own shop...no desire at all!!! But I am happy where I am at the moment....and that is what counts! And I love being creative, working with my hands, meeting all the lovely customers in our town etc....good luck to you! :~)

No, no, it is not my shop.....meaning I found the job in the shop before I trained....:~)

lol... sorry, you were very lucky finding a job & the training. Maybe one day you'll have a shop, i suppose we all live in hope!!!!
I'm loving the course, just finding the ribbons a bit tricky, down to the fact my thumbs joints are past their best!
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