Analysis: Flower business booming

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Nov 27, 2003
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At the very least we don't have carnation boxes and pom boxes with those hideous holes throughout them any more. Hopefully they use dogs instead of steel rods searching for drugs now. Can't count how many broken heads of carns from those darned rods and cut stems from punching through the boxes.
Nice quote

"Candy is fattening, lingerie risky, but flowers are almost sure to please,"
Sally Ferguson

We would probably be sued by Hershey and Vict Secret if we used it.
There was a large article in the Miami Herald yesterday about this - they did not find any counterfit roses so far - said they bring in up to 300,000 boxes a day before v-day and M-day holiday. I shudder to think how much of that is not properly cooled. Our pick up guy told me yesterday that there are thousands of boxes just sitting on loading docks in Miami waiting to be moved. Glad we pick up ours ourselves!
Hey BamaE4U,
You'll have to move to Canada; judge would haver a good chuckle and throw it out! :)
I emailed hershey yesterday too and gave them my line "Longstem Roses say 'I love you', Hershey chocolate just makes you fat!". I also told them that we sell FRENCH chocolate truffles (Staalduinen); I have to admit that European chocolate is my favourite - ok, weakness :)
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