Yesterday I called the receiving florist to check on an outgoing order sent on Eagle. The florist said they refused it. Funny, my eagle says its accepted and shows the order number. I call teleflora to ask about this and remember this also happened to an order a few days ago. They say the order was refused and refered me to eagle tech support. Eagle support puts me on hold to "see if this is a known problem". The tech comes back and tells me that yes this is a problem with the Eagle "build" that I have and will be corrected on the next rebuild. They do not know when this rebuild will be ready!!!! So I say you mean that teleflora knows about this problem and DID NOT INFORM THE EFFECTED FLORISTS THAT THEIR ORDERS MAY BE REFUSED BUT WILL NOT SHOW UP IN EAGLE. He says he is only a tech and it's not his place to let the florists know about this problem. I don't even have words!!!!