Any instructor advice?

Nov 22, 2009
West Saint Paul
State / Prov
So......I am the instructor tomorrow for MNSFA certification class in current design and techniques.

Luckily, happily, the students are all currently designers in shops.

The last design classes I gave were 15 years ago! I'm rusty, to say the least. I am not really nervous, I know my stuff. I am also a performer, I've been singing professionally since I was 18.

I'm looking for advice, not only from those of you who are pros at this, but also those of you who participate as students in classes, workshops, and presentations.

What is it that you like or dislike from an instructor?
What do you expect to take away with you?
Enthusiasm........ first and foremost! As long as you look and sound like you LOVE what you do, it will always come through in the presentation. And yes, that is what I hope to take away from a class also!
I agree with Rhonda - if your presentation comes with conviction and enthusiasm, your audience will be much more captive.

Speaking from a student's perspective - I always like for my presenter to be prepared (duh, right?) but I've been to a lot of shows where they don't know the names of products or they lose their place in their presentation, etc.

Fun and upbeat always keeps my attention -- and a little humor too!

You'll do FANTASTIC!! When are you avaiable to come to your southern neighbors to teach us? :D

Let us know it goes -- what are you going to be instructing them on?
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I always like when there is some sort of interaction with the presenter and the audience. This could be a Q&A of some sort, or something else that will spark a great conversation. This may not work if the group is too big
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This is actually a hands-on class, so size is limited to 10 students. This is actually one of the required classes for MNCF, so I will be evaluating their designs for their grade. Evaluating is actually the only thing I dread.

Sarah, I would LOVE to come down and do something with you guys! (You are always welcome to come up here, too.) Do you have a state association? You can always do our certification, most of the classes are on line,and then three of them are hands on. The one I'm doing tomorrow is Current Design Styles and Techniques. There is also Sympathy and Wedding. Then after all of the classes are completed, you take a master test, NOT OPEN BOOK, and a final design evaluation with two designs.

Keep the comments coming, I am all ears!
I love learning at least one new thing. We had a ball with the palm weaving from Cathy, and pounding on oasis wire to make bracelets. Anything to make you think outside the box.
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The thing I hated (and I mean HATED!!!) about my design school is the instructor did a complete demo and then we did it.
We wasted SO much time watching her.
For instance, we learned how to moss a wreath frame, wrap it, then we did it all in daisies.
We could have been mossing while she was mossing, wrapping while she was wrapping, greening while she was, etc. etc.
Instead, we spent an hour watching her. The most mundane part was watching her do every little insertion with daisies.
Poke a hole, insert the daisy.....once you've seen it in action one time, I really don't need to watch you do all 200 inserts.

I guess the short version of this comment is to keep the class involved AS you are teaching, not just when you're done.
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