I use fuit and veg all the time, with no problems.
For events, it's best to use fruit and veg with firm skins, although if it is a one day affair, I am a huge fan of kiwis and limes, split into sices or wedges, and inserted with the help of bamboo skewers.
But not long ago I made a casket spray with matching peices for a man who was famous ( or is that infamous?) for having rotten tomato fights with the kids in his neighbourhood, so I packed all the arrangements with ripe tomatoes...some of them on the vine, some of them picked into the sprays with wooden or bamboo picks...and they were fine for the 3 day visitation and funeral.
Don't be afraid of using any botanical ingredients...they'll all hold up okay for a few days; maybe not for delivery to a house, where flowers should last a week, but for a couple of days, use it all!!