Anyone up in here drive a Hybrid car?

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Nov 12, 2002
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I'm van shopping, and really wish there was a Hybrid Van, but Toyota has one in Japan but not here yet. So the dilemma is SUV or non-hybrid van (the Oddessey is very tough to beat)

The closest I think I can come is a "crossover" such as the Highlander.

I'm a bit bummed to see that someone or something has gotten to them, and they no longer get 50mpg - more like 25 now, but...Even the Ford Escape which used to get 45 now is rated at only 29 (and you know those ratings lie)

Just curious if anyone has one and if that meager gas mpg increase is worth the extra $5-10K it seems these cars cost.

I think I want one just cuz I like being bleeding edge with my toyz. :dunno:

That said tho - using Scion as our primary delivery vehicle has save us over $1000 in gas bills for the last year. We average about 28 with it. But I am looking for a shop/personal vehicle in my new quest.
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I have a brand new Honda CRV 2007 4awd. I like it and it is pretty good on gas, comfortable etc. After checking a whole bunch of SUV, models, prices, consumer etc. we ended up with this vehicle.
I have a brand new Honda CRV 2007 4awd. I like it and it is pretty good on gas, comfortable etc. After checking a whole bunch of SUV, models, prices, consumer etc. we ended up with this vehicle.
Is it a Hybrid Luc?
I drive a Ford escape Hybrid. Told MPG would be 37 city and 31 highway.
Actual mpg 26-29. Told I was going to get $2,500 tax break. Actual was $800
because of something called alternative minimum tax.
The Car drives ok and has decent room. When you drive under 20 mph the engine shuts off and works off the battery. I have 27,000 miles and just routine maintenance so far. Oil change is every 10,000.
Not a hybrid.
I checked on those also and it is a new type of vehicle out there and still was not comfortable on the idea that I would have to plug my car somewhere if I am doing long distance driving.
None of them are "plug ins" Luc - they all generate their own electricity.
well it was explained to me wrong then.....
Ford Dealer
I believe the last "promo junk" on the auto industry were the inflated mpg "stickers". Another Fleecing Of America. They were told to readjust their estimates, probably by year 2010.
When looking at stickers, you can minus by 40% the "estimated mpg" both city and highway according to the 60 Minutes or similiar investigative reporting news magazines.
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