Apple Blossom Intro

Apple Blossom

New Member
Jan 25, 2010
State / Prov
New Brunswick
Hi there

A friend and I are opening up our flower shop in about 5 weeks and are quite excited about it. We've got a lot to do yet, and it's a huge learning experience but we're having fun.
Ah, Fredericton, a beautiful and evolving city..... I haven't visited for quite some time (need a passport now)
Good luck, hope you have background and design training! The guys at Avon Valley put together some wonderful design shows and workshops...
Hi Rhonda, and thanks
Yes, we both have experience in flower shops - about 30 yrs combined. Yes, Avon Valley does do well in putting on shows! Opening day is fast approaching....March 1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it comes in like a lamb this year and not a lion! :)