Arcade Update

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
The arcade is open for business, but please note the following:

There are still a few bugs. The games work but the scores are not retained. A few people have reports permissions errors. We are working with the programmers to get these issues straightened out, but since they are tied to recent security updates on FlowerChat we want to make sure we do this right.

For now - think of this as a chance to practice without keeping score!

Many more games will be added once the system is working.
The arcade system is working. More games are being added.
GOOD GRIef.!!!! Please don't do that mouse is smokin' and my good finger in now shot. I'm such a sucker for arcade games..... :faint:
Infinite said:
The arcade is open for business, but please note the following:

There are still a few bugs. The games work but the scores are not retained. A few people have reports permissions errors. We are working with the programmers to get these issues straightened out, but since they are tied to recent security updates on FlowerChat we want to make sure we do this right.

For now - think of this as a chance to practice without keeping score!

Lady Biker Florist said:
Are there instructions for the games anywhere?
There are instructions for each game at the beginning of the game. Click on the game to play and it will either give you instructions or a chance to click for instructions.

To all the florists in TO; you must realize by now that these Arcade games are Infinite's brilliant plan to take over TO! When all you other guys are out competing to be champion of one game or another, infinite is out there collecting your customers lol
Rock said:
To all the florists in TO; you must realize by now that these Arcade games are Infinite's brilliant plan to take over TO! When all you other guys are out competing to be champion of one game or another, infinite is out there collecting your customers lol

LOL. I'd believe you except HE is the one with all the high scores.

Next headline "Floral Industry Experiences Slide in Productivity." :>

(Disclaimer: The game scores shown with my name are not mine. The belong to a roving child that passes through on occasion. :rolleyes: )
(psssst, Rosie I heard that when Dad falls asleep after the 3 am feeding Wesley takes over, but that's just a rumour! That reminds me, when Ryan and Janis were here a couple of years ago I believe that Ryan said Janis likes arcade games!) :gossip:
For the time being, I am finished installing games. If anyone has any requests for games that are not included I'll try to locate them.

At present there are 340 games in the arcade. The job now is organizing the games in the General category into the other categories. I hope to have this finished in the next few days.

I LOVE games. As if flowerchat wasn't already taking up a lot of my time (by my own choice of course). Oh brother! My self-discipline went out the window. :handball:
Arcade Games???????????

I am completely puzzled. Has this been previously discussed? If it has I must have missed it. How are the games played and where are the instructions? I tried once but didn't see playing instructions. Maybe I have been in a prolonged brain freeze.
Some games have destructions

and some games do not...mostly by trial and error at first on some for me. Starting with games I remember first seemed to work best...

Have fun, but don;t let it distract from the day job :)
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