As I emerge from my cave ...

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
Wow ... so that's what daylight looks like!

The past 2+ weeks have been a real blur, but man ... what fun!

A few weeks ago I was contacted by some old friends who needed help with their company website. After reviewing the site and finding that they were completely out of the Google index we agreed on a complete site redesign with reorganization of content and application of proper SEO techniques.

The site has not officially launched yet, but has been spidered by Google on the 23rd of January.

Here are some results so far:
#1 for "bioflex meditech"
#10 for "meditech bioflex"
#1,2,3 for "meditech bioflex laser"
#1,2,3,4 for "meditech laser low intensity laser therapy"
(the above are all search phrases used by our customers - I didn't think them up)
#20 for "laser therapy" (our most competitive keyword)
#22 for "bioflex"
#9 for "low intensity laser therapy"

There is still some polish and refining work to be done, but the pages are viewable:
Meditech Laser Therapy Practitioners
BioFlex Laser Therapy Patients

I apologize to anyone who has tried to contact me over the past two weeks. This was a rush job that demanded all my time, and I've done a poor job of replying to emails and PMs. I'm going to try to catch up with replies and other jobs over the next few days.


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