Bill Intro


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
State / Prov
Hi. I'm Bill Dalton owner for 35 years of Jeans Flower Shop in Hamilton. I am currently in the process of selling the business to my daughter Debbie and her husbane Derek. I'm open to any suggestions or experiences you may have had.
Hi Bill.....we were by your place on Hall Lake coming down from Magnetawan!!
The "kids" have big shoes to fill......
Hi Bill!!
I just sold my business and work 1 and 1/2 days a week . I love it , don't regret it for second, If they get really busy then i will work more , but i got tired of 7 days a week . Now i actually have ME TIME !!!
Talk Soon
you'll "regret" it when everyone is really busy at holiday time, with sunken eyes, and sore shoulders, are you're NOT!!......<not>