Birthday Error Corrected

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
In theory, the error displaying birthdays for people born before 1970 is now fixed. Instead of showing your birthdate as being Dec 31, 1969, it will now reflect the correct, earlier date.

You have my apologies ;)
Why do you say that it is fixed in "theory"?
You mean that it should work but no one born before 1970 has entered their birth date?
Hmmm... it might remain a "theory" for quite a while. ;)
In theory, because I had to add a modifier of 50 years. THe problem was the Unix mktime() function counts forward from 1/1/70 when Unix was born. Some iterations don't count back from that date. I had to add 50 years, then take them out again right before the display. I'm hoping leap years and such don't put some dates off by a day or two.
He he he.... O'Brien is 90... too funny....

If this is fixed...break it again !

(just pok'n fun Ryan)
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