Blog Posts Forum

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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We have added a new forum entitled "Blog Posts" that will display the contents of the RSS feed from the FlowerChat User Blogs, the Real Florist Blog and the FlowerChat Image Gallery.

The purpose for this forum is to bring more exposure to the other segments of FlowerChat. Within each post in this forum you will a snippet of the original content with a link to the full post.

Since we've just imported all three feeds, you might notice a lot of unread posts. I apologize for the inconvenience, but once you sort through them I'm sure you'll find this a worthwhile feature!


If I understand it correctly....

We have added a new forum entitled "Blog Posts" that will display the contents of the RSS feed from the FlowerChat User Blogs, the Real Florist Blog and the FlowerChat Image Gallery.

The purpose for this forum is to bring more exposure to the other segments of FlowerChat. Within each post in this forum you will a snippet of the original content with a link to the full post.

Since we've just imported all three feeds, you might notice a lot of unread posts. I apologize for the inconvenience, but once you sort through them I'm sure you'll find this a worthwhile feature!


If I understand it correctly, the above mentioned content will be available to be seen by consumers and searched by SEs?
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