

Joanne Plummer AIFD,CAFA
Apr 11, 2007
State / Prov
So, what's the deal with Bloomnet? Are they American,Canadian,British?
I'd never heard of them before flowerChat, and today I got a package delivered about their services. It looks like they are a division of
1-800-Flowers, but they outwardly seem to have no other affilianation with TF or FTD. Yet the wording, the rebates etc., all sound like the same language.
I have no intention of joining...why would I?
But, as always, I'm curious.
Any more info?
Bloomnet is the wire service arm of 800Flowers. They are an American company. They are no different than FTD.
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They have been trying to court me. I have heard very little good about this company. Anything affliated with 1-800 flowers you can bet you will get sub standard orders (too little money for where you have to go, no delivery). 1-800 was a nightmare where I used to work before I opened my own shop.
After seein what was coming over the Dove at the old place, when i opened my shop I went wire service free and intend on staying that way.