bomb-sniffing flower

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Feb 8, 2006
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It's a little bit old story (Dec 2004), but I found this story about "bomb-sniffing" flower in New York Times.

This January, the Danish company Aresa Biodetection announced that it had produced an unusual new variant of thale-cress, a small flowering weed: a strain that turns red in the presence of land mines. Aresa scientists had genetically modified the weed so that it reacts to nitrogen dioxide, a gas commonly emitted by explosives. A result is a new way to detect mines: sprinkle the seeds over a suspect area, wait a few weeks for the thale-cress to grow and -- presto -- wherever they turn red, you have danger. ''It's much more efficient,'' says Simon Ostergaard, Aresa's C.E.O. ''It's very tedious to clear mines the normal way. You're putting a stick in the ground every three centimeters. One man can sometimes only do two square meters a day.''


Does anyone know what happened to this flower? Has any country used it? I also wonder how one can seed this flower without potentially stepping on a mine? Just curious.
Way funny!
I can see it now....
Our flowers have a "leg up" on the competition!!!:hammer:
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