BOSS, For the record

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
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Well, today seems like the day for announcements.

Ryan already knows my feelings, from our dinner in NYC two weeks ago, but Conrgrats again!

My announcement is a bit different. For the record, I am no longer working as an installer for FTD and Mercury Advantage. It has been a hard decission, and one that I have given alot of thought to. My resignation was sent today.

There has been some consternation in the Real Florist world regarding my playing both sides of the fence, and some people felt that I may not have always had their best interests at heart or that I was speaking for FTD. I assure you all that I always have, do and will continue to hold you all in the highest regard. That said, I also feel it is time for some serious changes to be effected within the industry and to attempt to take back that which we have lost. Today alone, I contacted over 40 floral and florist associations across the country.

Ryan, in his thank you to Hal, eluded to something real, Real Florists, thats what we are, all of us here for the most part and in the next week or so there will be another announcement regarding just that, Real Florists.

Not that we have not in the past, but it is time to get down to business and really help each other for all of us to survive. Open, honest, thurough assistance to benefit everyones business.

I am once again, back in the Real Florist Biz full time, and can be reached either by any of several different email addresses, or at my store, thank you for your trust.

"Keeper of the Floral Underground"

BOSS, aka: Mark Smith, Smith's of Midland, INC, Midland, MI, 989-631-0470
Hard Decision I am sure.

I am sure that was one of your hardest decision to make. I personally did not think because you where installing Advantage system across the country that you would loose sight of your goals. I saw this as a person who love meeting new people, I saw someone whose passion is the advantage system and show new people the joys of having one, but I also saw someone who maybe had a chance to talk to many new florist and enlighting them on what is happening in the industry.
You Mark have come up with many new concept in the flower industry and you have not been shy to shared them on this board. You always has been a up front type of guy and I am glad that you are not selfish with your ideas.

I congratulate you Mark for what you have done so far in this industry. It is people like you that FTD should be giving awards to instead of order gatherers. Maybe they are shaking in their boots because you are standing up for what you believe and you are making progess.

Good job,

You da man bussdude!

Glad to count you as one of my friends and allies.
There ARE harder decsions to be made.....

this is just the beginning, and some things will eventually come to fruition, provided there are leaders, and there are followers.
I consider Mark, his opinions, and friendship, amongst the things that make me fight for what is right for "Real Florists", and because I consider Mark an unselfish leader, and not afraid to move forward by doing the heavy work!!
the more things "change" in our industry, the more those very things will resemble that which we ALL lost in the retail and design marketplace ONLY BECAUSE, the Marks and Ryans are willing to put their work ethic into keeping us up to date, and help all of us up to the "challenge".....
CONSIDER THIS.......just think back.....ONLY 2 years ago there WAS NO FlowerChat...and NOW????...that's how fast things are changing!!
I believe Mark's decision HIS DECISION to make....and he MADE IT, AND followed through...something NOT many florists can attest to!!
For years now...every florist that attended florist functions made some conscious effort into changing what they do, ONLY TO slide back into that comfort zone ZEN, and therefore lie to themselves.
Mark is "BOSS".......for a reason!!...and a great friend to us all....
Re: I too understand, what you tried to DOO! "]

Hey Mark:

I (fore one and all) always understood what you were trying to DOO!

Having been there, did that myself, only to wind up in total frustration over WHAT THEY SAID versus WHAT THEY DID, I parted company.

However, one always has to give respect to anyone who continues to try and keep THEIR EYES on the PRIZE, WEE REAL FLORISTS.

Facts bee known, it is WEE REAL FLORISTS who CONTINUE TO DOO ALL THE WORK while too many other NON FLORISTS treat us as, either their FREE LABOR FORCE or just another passive revenue stream to add to their bottom line profitability, not ours.

And, I understand that, many florists continue to HOLD ONTO to their dream that, JUST MAYBE and SOMEDAY DOWN THEIR ROAD, these companies will change their mindset and view their members as EQUAL PARTNERS.

In my opinion and based on my personal observations, that's a PIPE DREAM which will never happen.

In fact, all of them are in a war amongst themselves now and the practice of CANNABALISM is rampant as they are FEEDING ON THEMSELVES.

Good luck to you Mark! You are an asset to our industry.

If you are ever in Los Angeles, give me a buzz.
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