Brittanyflowers Intro

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New Member
Mar 22, 2009
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1. My website address is and my blog is
2. My store has been in Kirkland, WA for 33 years
3. Floral design classes, continuing education, and on the job training by other trained designers
4. I received an invite from Ryan Freeman via an email
5. Networking with other professionals in the industry and to find solutions to the issues facing our industry.
6. My years of business experience and knowledge of the floral industry
7. Commercial location, although we recently closed our retail store and have gone strictly to a design studio space in a commercial facility.
It was a tough decision to come to terms with, but when we found out our retail center was going to undergo a huge remodel project, and the new tenant coming into the center was a large grocery store, with a large floral department, the decision was easier. After analyzing the sales data from my POS system, I realized that only 7% of my business was coming in the front door, which seemed like not enough to justify the high retail rent. Most all of our business comes from our internet site and from my corporate repeat clients and customers. Studio space is way less expensive than retail and we are finding that we really love it! It's not for everyone, you really have to look at where your business is coming from before you make the decision.
Hi Carrieann,

Yes, I know it's a different concept, but I still do everyday florist work. I do weekly corporate accounts and weddings and events as well, but the bulk of what I do is everyday floral design for my clients. I'm one of those kinds of florists who likes to keep my customers forever, so I do what they need me to do! Most of my clients have never even been in my store, they only know me over the phone. I really like the freedom that I have now with not having to do window displays, and buy and decorate the store, stock a variety of gifts items. I have really dialed in on my market, I carry just what I need to service my clients, and I had to be willing to give up less profitable things that were not giving me a return on my money. It really comes down to taking a long look at what you do, who your customer is, or who the customer you want is, and trimming it down to fit in your plan. Thanks for asking about it!
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