butcharooney Intro


New Member
May 25, 2012
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My name is patricia scott and have been in business for 26 years. I have see many changes in the industry and it is not good. order gathers are the big problem for us, but real florist are cutting their own throats by doing business with these people. we have not filled one order for these blood suckers and if more florist would stick together and not fill their orders they would be up a creek with no paddle.
Welcome aboard... and you know all about Florists For Change?
Welcome to the community Patricia! I have to say, I agree with you, as do many members of our community.

Glad you found the floral zoo... Enjoy~!
Welcome to the community Patricia! I have to say, I agree with you, as do many members of our community.

Glad you found the floral zoo... Enjoy~!
yes Patricia, the "zookeeper" is real, and so are THE FLORISTS!!