Buttons Intro

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New Member
Sep 16, 2009
State / Prov

55 years

Yes, I went through the Illinois Florist Assoc. Certification classes and attained my ICPF.

One of my customers told me about this site.

I want to keep up with the new trends, and promote the website at the same time.

I have been a designer for 29 years, and have a lot of experience. I hope to be able to contribute ideas on how to do some of the interesting challenges we run into as florists on a daily basis, and let people know about some of the new products out there to make our lives easier.

I work at the wholesale house in Milan, Il.
Hi Amy!

Rebecca @ The Garden Gate Florist in Cedar Rapids, Ia. told me about the site, and I wanted to check it out! She has lots of great things to say about it, and I thought I might make it my "featured website" on my site this month. I try to feature sites that are helpful to florists on the homepage, & introduce them to resources on trends in the business, & how-to's.
Yo Buttons....

Welcome to the community.... FlowerChat's an awesome place for florists and vendors alike...poke around and if you have any site operation questions send me a PM.

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