Cali Co Intro

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Cali Co

New Member
Oct 24, 2008
State / Prov
I have been a florist for 23 years
I attended Floral Design School in the 80's, worked for my current employer when she owned a different floral shop in Evergreen, then managed a flower shop in Denver Colorado for 5 years before moving to Southern California and managed a shop in Beverly Hills before I opened my own shop in Ventura California. I recently returned to Colorado and hooked back up with my ole buddy Dore who now owns an amazing shop in Evergreen.
I was referred to Flower Chat by my boss Dore.
I hope to network with other florists who can teach me a thing or two and vice versa.
I can contribute to the community with my 23 years of experience working for small town flower shops to the big city " Hollywood Movie Industry" clients.
I operate from
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Welcome! Guess you can't complain about your boss on Not that you would ;)
This is a great place to learn! Hope you enjoy it.
Welcome to the family. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to answer, so fully, the questions on the Intro page... it is appreciated.

Welcome to FlowerChat, and may you be a frequent poster.
Oh my gosh....thank you all for such a warm welcome......this is going to be so much fun chatting with all of you....Kim
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