Please don't feel sorry that I didn't vote , I was with the majority of Canadians who are disgusted with this unwanted and unneeded election, over 52 percent of us didn't vote and if I were a politician , rather than counting my votes and getting the electorate to pay their tax dollars to the parties on the basis of how many votes they received ,I would be asking what have we done to pissoff the rest of the electoate. I stayed home , my vote would have been wasted , because no party or even candidate in my riding was worthy of getting paid with my vote. Unless the system changes to better reflect the wishes of the majority , then I may never bother to vote again. Our parliamentary system is bankrupt and in need of a massive change or even more like me will stay home in the future. The liberals are in total disarray , the NDP will never rise above 3rd, and I can't ever vote for the arseholes like Harper, so please tell me why I would bother , Ontario & Quebec get to choose the government for the whole country , irregardless of how the regions feel . No I'm not a Danny Williams fan, would never vote for him either , to much of a heavy handed guy for me, but I've been ABC ( anything but conserative) since I've been old enough to listen to the propaganda , if anything I should have patented the term. Look at what happened here , a goose egg for Stephen, too bad it didn't hit him in the face.