we buy the fun size candy bars (10 bars for $1) carefully with pan melt attach a stick (we use end sticks from cat tails, silks etc instead of tossing in trash) into the inside flap on the back of the candy bar. Don't use alot of glue - chocolate melts.
For the container we use a clay pot, inexp pail whatever needs using, piece of dry foam and insert the bars/stick in a roundy moundy style. We have also added those horns, tooters and banners left from the old ftd birthday party boc and a few tufts of sisal to cover any mechanices. Wrap in clear celo with curly ribbon and you can tuck a 4" birthday/seasonal mylar on a stick at the top.
We also sell stick candy and tuck that in.
Anybody can assemble
Thanks to Steve from Alabama for the idea. That guy ROCKS