C catalina New Member May 10, 2010 1 0 0 Richmond State / Prov Indiana May 10, 2010 #1 My name is Catalina, I work for International Floral Distributors (IFD) and have been in the industry many years now.
My name is Catalina, I work for International Floral Distributors (IFD) and have been in the industry many years now.
BOSS FlowerChat Administrator Oct 31, 2002 19,394 8,269 113 69 Midland www.smithsflowers.com State / Prov MI May 10, 2010 #2 Welcome to the zoo... Is this you folks? http://www.ifd-inc.org/
C catalina New Member May 10, 2010 1 0 0 Richmond State / Prov Indiana May 12, 2010 #3 Yes it is. (I replied to this thread but my post has not been approved) lets see if this one goes through.
Yes it is. (I replied to this thread but my post has not been approved) lets see if this one goes through.