Announcement Change Is Coming


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
At the risk of behaving like FTD (or Google!) and sending out announcements at the busiest time of the year, I want to make the FC Membership aware of of some upcoming changes for the FlowerChat Community.

Many of the details are still being straightened out and more info will follow, but I felt this desereved at least a measure of advance warning. With the upcoming release of vB4 (software that powers FlowerChat) that will have some big impacts on the way FlowerChat operates, it seemed like a good time to co-ordinate some other procedure changes.

For 7 years, FlowerChat has been the go-to forum for people in the floral industry to discuss the events and changes in our business. Throughout that time, the opinion has been voiced that FlowerChat fosters much discussion and little action. That is about to change.

Another recurring theme has been the effort to keep FlowerChat to a professional audience. Our goal in the coming months will be to refine how we endeavour to make FlowerChat a professional community.

In the coming weeks, FlowerChat will have some extended downtime. I don't have a firm date, yet, but it will likely be in the time between Christmas and New Years, provided we can line up our software vendors in time. I'd like to take FC offline during a slow period to minimize inconvenience.

By early 2010, FlowerChat will be more professional, more actionable and results driven. The time for discussion is over, and the time for florists to step to the plate has come.

I'm eager to see what this will bring.
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This sounds interesting, and something you have clearly thought out. I know whatever it is, it will benefit the community.

Thank you for all you have already done for florist. I have enjoyed meeting and chatting with florist all over the country. Exchanging ideas and business. I know the new FlowerChat will be good for all, because I know you to be a Christian man.

Can't wait!
...I am looking forward to see the new chat...friends have always mentioned to me after one of my rants that we florists need be united and vocal...educate...
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FlowerChat has been a wonderful forum for the lone florist(my self).I have been given advice many times from florist that other wise would have been out of my reach. Found this to help me better my self and shop. I thank you for FlowerChat. This is one florist that is the better for it,and to all that post to make this forum a place to be.God Bless you all..
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There are changes happening in the UK as well in terms of trying to get a more active face hence my being out of action for so long. I believe that 2010 presents lots of opportunities for florists to unite ... if our efforts over here can help with anything you're doing and vice versa you know where I am.

In the meantime good luck with it all ... I may not know you personally but I have every faith in you and what you do.

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I too am eager to see what is coming. So many people talk about "the way things were and are" and seem to not see that we are in a rapidly changing and evolving industry. I alluded to this in a posting many, many moons ago, but I don't see the floral industry as a relic of the past.
Without change there is no growth.

Looking forward to what the future holds.

Thanks Ryan.

I LOVE this part....."THE FUTURE".....
The sky is NOT has either ALREADY "fallen" or it is BLUE, for those folks that CHOOSE to look UP...way, way up!!
We ALL have been "guilty" of seeing things, NOT for what they truly are, and once in a while, our frustrations, have gotten the best of us, HOWEVER, I'm excited, about being excited for all that FlowerChat means, and for ALL that it represents.....
Nice Job !!!
Nice Job !!!

Thanks - still lots to be done. We're essentially "naked" until we add back a style theme for the site. At the moment we're running on the default style. Hoping to have that dealt with in a few days.

A number of other FC faves should be making their return later today - arcade, gameroom, chat, etc.
Looks good Ryan. A tiny learning curve for this ole' dog. he!

I like the "Reply with quote" option. I sorta miss the location and shop name info that's usually next to the avatar. I used it to customize my answers to post.

Will the "Thanks option" be returning. I find myself wanting to say I agree with a post and no button. :(

I know your not finished yet, so I'll just be quiet and wait. Thanks Ryan!
Looks good Ryan. A tiny learning curve for this ole' dog. he!

I like the "Reply with quote" option. I sorta miss the location and shop name info that's usually next to the avatar. I used it to customize my answers to post.

Will the "Thanks option" be returning. I find myself wanting to say I agree with a post and no button. :(

I know your not finished yet, so I'll just be quiet and wait. Thanks Ryan!


I agree - the extra profile info is very handy. That's just one example of ways that we've hacked the software to make it more useful :) I'm hoping to have that back later today.

The Thanks & Groan will be back but it possibly not for a day or two, as new code is significantly different so it needs to be rewritten.
Learning curve would be appreciated... it's the learning whirlybird I'm having issues with.

Ryan et al... thanks for all your continuing hard work on our behalf.

Will the option to scan through and read unread posts or messages return? To be honest, that is a feature on the old FC I found most to go direct to a listing of unread postings.