chapelhillflorist New Member Jan 31, 2009 2 4 3 Chapel Hill State / Prov NC Jan 31, 2009 #1 or 15 years no other local florists information and insights from other floral business operators information and insights to other floral business operators commercial building Reactions: 3 people or 15 years no other local florists information and insights from other floral business operators information and insights to other floral business operators commercial building
Victoria New Member Oct 31, 2002 11,103 3,547 0 London State / Prov Ontario Jan 31, 2009 #2 Hi and thank you for answering the question on the Intro page. It is much appreciated. How did you find your way to the floral industry and what would you say your strengths are? Also, what brings you joy outside of work? V
Hi and thank you for answering the question on the Intro page. It is much appreciated. How did you find your way to the floral industry and what would you say your strengths are? Also, what brings you joy outside of work? V
Flowerchatter03 Co-Owner and Floral Composer Oct 14, 2007 1,737 1,500 113 Cross Lanes State / Prov West Virginia Feb 1, 2009 #3 Welcome and look forward to reading your posts!
S Sher New Member Oct 31, 2002 3,001 1,142 0 124 none State / Prov none Feb 1, 2009 #4 Welcome aboard... Sher South Fla