Charleston Shooting And Flowers


Active Member
Apr 27, 2012
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It is obvious an impact the Charleston shooting has left on this nation. People across the US are holding vigils and prayer circles in support of the victims (and survivors).
We had our first call yesterday. One of our dear customers was moved not just by the tragedy of the situation but, by the resilience of the townsfolk and she wanted to send them flowers together with her prayers and encouragement.
What moved me as the florist, and human being is that she did not want to sign her card. She did not want public recognition for her act of kindness. I really felt proud of my fellow Houstonian - Houston, TX represent!

I really want to hear from my fellow florists. Did you send flowers to Charleston to the Emanuel AMA Church?
What town do you represent?
Yes, we've sent 2 orders so far, one the the "memorial site" and one to the church for Sundays service. One from a "genuine heartbroken" person and the other from a large church staff to the staff of Emanuel.
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