Sorry guys, no website available. Most websites are provided by a wire service carrier, and since my shop doesn't have a wire service provider, there isn't a website available yet. The shop hadn't had one in the first place, so it's no big rush for me to get one. I've been in the business in one way or another since I was 18 (about 17 years ago) Long story short: I worked at this flower shop, I left and went to work for our local wholesaler, then my favorite customer asked me to come to work for her, while I was employed by that company they bought this shop and soon three others for a total of five. Things didn't work out and in March 2007 I took ownership of this shop. That's the bones of the story anyway. Sorry I didn't answer in a more timely manner, but we've been pretty busy...not to mention Valentine's Day sneaking it's way in there too! BTW how was VDay for everyone? Tell me about yourselves!