*I have been in the floral industry for 11years I have co-owned this store for just overa year.
*I have no formal education in floral design. I have taken classes throught WUMFA. My degree is in interior design.
*I was referred though email
*I beleave that you never stop learning, and we have many talented people in our industry. So if I take one small thing away with me all the better I am.
*I hope that I could share some tips of my own and may be some of the things that I have learnd from the great florist I have worked with!
* Our shop is operated for a commercial space that was a residence at one time.
*I have been in the floral industry for 11years I have co-owned this store for just overa year.
*I have no formal education in floral design. I have taken classes throught WUMFA. My degree is in interior design.
*I was referred though email
*I beleave that you never stop learning, and we have many talented people in our industry. So if I take one small thing away with me all the better I am.
*I hope that I could share some tips of my own and may be some of the things that I have learnd from the great florist I have worked with!
* Our shop is operated for a commercial space that was a residence at one time.