claire olson Intro

claire olson

New Member
Oct 5, 2010
State / Prov
Claire Olson, owner of Roorbach Flowers, Manitowoc, WI.
We have a retail flower shop, garden center and foliage conservatory - and, this month, we will be opening a coffee bar cafe in the conservatory area.
Member of SAF, WUMFA, CFGW, OFA, 3/50 Project, and other local and national organizations.
Our web site:
We're always looking for input regarding common issues - right now we're working on eliminating the phrase "In Lieu of Flowers" from the English language! Any ideas?
right now we're working on eliminating the phrase "In Lieu of Flowers" from the English language! Any ideas?
Claire, welcome to the FlowerChat community...

Regarding your campaign above... get in touch with Clay McAdams, McAdams Floral in Victoria TX, perhaps the nations leading dude on the In Lieu Of battle. He's a member here...
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