Cool facebook "note"

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Jan 9, 2008
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For those of you on facebook... you may have seen a note filled out by your friends titled "25 Random Things". A friend of mine that worked at our shop for about five years... maybe from age 15-20 a number of years ago (8 or so??) filled out one today. She is a stay at home mom now and has been for years... but I thought her #15 was pretty cool.

#15. I worked at the best flower shop in the world for a few years. I loved every minute of it, and I learned more than I ever could have imagined, not only about flowers, but also about people, sentiments, and most importantly, friendships. I love flowers. So much.

For those of you not familiar with this, it is just 25 random things that people list about themselves. I just thought it was pretty cool for a 28 year old to list their first job and what it meant to them... in a list like this for all their friends to read.

I think this says a lot for you too!
Yes I totally agree Beth!! Good for you Heather!
That statement reads (imho) more about what she learned about people, than about the product and the industry.
It's about the "Culture of Caring" that we all create on a day to day basis, with the people we interact with each day.
When these things become part of our daily fiber they are much more powerful than a written policy or verbal directive.
I remember a quote, and I do not remember who said it, But it goes: "people will not remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel".
You have certainly made a difference in this young lady's life!!!!
Kudos to You!

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Her statement is a treasure to hold close to your heart forever.
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Well i tell you, you must have been an excellent manager if that time has been listed on the 25 things that she wants to tell people about herself. Well done you, it speaks volumes.
As an employee currently under Heather's management, I can speak to the fact that Plaza is truly a wonderful place to work. The family comprised of our staff is bonded tightly. We all have our "bad" days (usually around the holidays) but in the end, the caring goes deep. I just realized as I looked around the other day, that the majority of the employees have been there for more than 3 years. Most have been there for more than 5, a few more than 10 (I'll be celebrating 5 years in May). I haven't been in this industry for very long but from what I've seen, that's unusal and should be commended. I am proud to be part of the Plaza Family.
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