crapola, I have poison Ivy

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2002
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One good day of gardening this week and I find the poison Ivy vine that I knew was lurking in one of my flower beds!

anyone have any home remedies [Roundup is going on that the poison ivy vine ] for me - It itches like crazy and you think I have a snake tattooed on my arm..............
Any pharmacy should have some stuff called **Ivy Dry** like a charm!

I got into it a few years back, putting an invisible fence out through our woods around the house...had it from head to toe...funny...when I was a kid it never bothered me...
I had it last summer and thought it would drive me crazy. I know it's hard but try to leave it alone, my scars are still visible.
A rag soaked in ammonia applied to the area did give some temporary relief.
The other person who just seems to go to as well,

Get some corn-starch and lightly dust on you, then get the nearest health food store there is a product called rours, yes it is a little pill, and it worked after many times to the docter with that carpola,,,it got rid of it,,and no side affects...
You also want to wash in cool or cold (if you can stand it) water.
My husband gets it almost every summer -- and it spreads.

We have found that warm water will make the pours of your skin open, and will help it to spread faster!! (Lessons we learn in life!)

Ivy Dry -- or if your Pharmacy carries it, "tar bath", is the miracle cure. (Tar bath smells awful and can stain the bed sheets, but it works great -- I think it is petroleum based).

Good luck, my friend!
Also be sure to wash your clothes in COLD water, by themselves. The ivy produces an oil, which is why it spreads in hot water. The Ivy Dry stuff works ... Also, make sure to not burn the vine you cut - it will get into your throat and lungs.

sorry - my husband used to get it each year, after the first lawn mowing in our old home. Nasty stuff!

get a bottle of tea tree oil.. Best thing on the market for poison oak or poison ivy. Just put some on, it takes the itch away and dries it up in a hurry.

I have suffered for several years from poison ivy. It got into my blood stream at some point, and I would break out- no rhyme or reason to it. The only thing that helped me was to put my arms under a warm shower, and gradually let the water get hotter. This pulls the poison out of your system, and makes the itch go away. I've had it all over my face, neck, arms, and chest! Not a pretty sight:itchy:
There is a product called Technu that works when you are first exposed, but the hot water works best! It will feel like you are scratching, but you aren't doing any damage to your skin. After my 2nd chemo treatment I broke out in a rash that looked like poison ivy, took Benadryl, and haven't had any problems with it since. Good Luck!
poison ivy remedy

My Mom got poison ivy on her wrists last week from working in the yard. She did go to the Dr. who gave her prednisone and another pill. She was using calamine lotion, and that was just soso. I looked up "poison ivy home remedies" on Google and found lots of things to use including a paste of oatmeal and baking soda,the inside of banana peels, and using a hot blow dryer fanned across the itch to relieve the itching (they say it works like scratching but without the irritation). Here are more remedies...

Good luck!
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