CRIKEY! The increasing cost of styrofoam...

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New Member
Sep 10, 2006
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Today we received a shipment from our local wholesaler of (24) 2x12x36 green styrofoam sheets. Regular price? $114.40! Fortunately, we received a 20% discount but it didn't do much to reduce the sticker shock. That's an increase of 34% since we last ordered.

I knew the price of petroleum was going to have a huge impact on plastic and styrofoam prices, but I wasn't truly prepared for it. :redface2:

We will have to re-evaluate the COGS on our cemetary saddles and price increases will be unavoidable. We are still fortunate enough to have families come in and purchase several saddles at a time - a noticable increase will be hard to slip by them...

Have you seen this % of price hike? If so, are you raising your prices all at once or do you plan to step it in over a time period?

Inquiring minds want to know...
It's me, again. While processing through the same wholesale delivery I found that the cost of Oasis wreath bases has skyrocketed also. Up 28% over our last purchase three months ago. OK - got that little gripe out of my system - it's back to work for me!
hmm didn't know paper mache was made from petroleum....:spintongu
hmm didn't know paper mache was made from petroleum....:spintongu

No but i bet dem machines suck electricity which is derived from coal, NG, oil etc.

And I bet that processing plant needs heat and electrons to operate.

Overhead!!! Wouldn't it be nice to own a business where your only cost was COGS? :rolleyes:

I know there are alot of outsiders who think that COGS is all it takes to run a business. ;)

oops, forgot Oasis once told me that my foam can't mold because it was spun plastic. May be true, but it still molded......
Can plastic mold?
Oh yeah, had the mold analyzed, it was a form of penecillin
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