Customer Wants To Order 5 Foot Tall Roses For His Valentine!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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A customer inquired about sending 5 foot tall roses for Valentine's Day...huh? they are and they are sold out well past Valentine's Day! Too bad! I wanted to order a dozen for everyone here...$250.00 dozen! I understand these roses were used for the Rose Bowl Parade!

I bet these roses arranged would be a hoot for my driver to deliver! Drop shipping must be a blast, too!
Ours are arriving Thursday. We have a plan for delivery and I'll let you know how it works out.

Organic Bouquet's also cost $50+ in shipping plus the French flower pail. How many people really have something hanging around that's big enough to display them in?

We're offering them in a vase.

Wow! That is too cool! I'll be looking for your follow up post on these beauties! Be sure to give us the complete low down-price, etc! I just checked your site and didn't see them offered for sale. Must be for something very special???
They're here. Range from 5' to about 5' 8" and we have Forever Youngs, Queen Amazones and Skylines.

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Now that is one lovely lady with those knock-out roses! So very cool! Please give us more info on the roses in your shop. Especially interested to know how many you have for sale, price and how you're planning to deliver those beautiful blossoms? Tell us more!!!
Thanks, guys.

First, I didn't want to be in the photo but needed something as a frame of reference for height. Was planning on using one of our young, cute designers but one of the more marketing savvy FC members (ahem *Sher*) prevailed upon me to be in the shot.

The Dz sells for $350 & $400 depending on accent flowers and accessories with singles in eiffel tower vases selling for $50 & $60, and $29.95 for single stem gift wraps.

For delivery, the DZ will be bound with ribbon in two spot, the vase placed in a bucket with sandbags and the arrs placed diagonally in the vans, tethered to the van cargo areas with string. More sandbags to shore up the buckets. The drivers will top off the vases with water when they arrive at the destination. Stems will be in water at all times.

We expect to be sold-out before the 14th.
Cathy, too spectacular for words! And those roses are nice too.
Thanks, guys.

First, I didn't want to be in the photo but needed something as a frame of reference for height. Was planning on using one of our young, cute designers but one of the more marketing savvy FC members (ahem *Sher*) prevailed upon me to be in the shot.


Not sure I am so savvy..thanks for the compliment but I really wanted ya'll to see just how short this Mighty Mouse really is!
Good shot tho CHR...I could kick myself for not thinking of ordering those roses.......!
Gorgeous. Though I don't know if they'd fly in our area, I can totally see them in CA, NY and FL. I'd love them even more in the other colors - especially Skyline. Pretty pretty.
Good luck, be sure to let us know how you did!

That's what advertising is all about. GET ATTENTION. Then hope you don't sell many. But at least you get people talking all over town. That is the kind of advertisng you can't buy.

I used to hire city cops dressed in uniform on their days off to direct traffic for our events. The talk around town was, "They are so busy at Fairview that the police department is out there directing traffic." No one caught on that it was city cops directing traffic on rural road just outside the city limits. Then the Chief caught on and established a policy that off duty policement could not wear their uniforms.
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