Delivery Fees on Wire Orders

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New Member
Aug 2, 2004
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When an order comes in for $56, $57.50, $58, you have a pretty good idea of what the sender collected for delivery. If your delivery is $8 and the order is for $57.50, do you fill for $50 or $49.50?

What if the order is for $50, $60, $80. Which always makes me feel like the sender skimmed the delivery fee. Do you take out your $8 or assume they sent $10?
mcf said:
When an order comes in for $56, $57.50, $58, you have a pretty good idea of what the sender collected for delivery. If your delivery is $8 and the order is for $57.50, do you fill for $50 or $49.50?

What if the order is for $50, $60, $80. Which always makes me feel like the sender skimmed the delivery fee. Do you take out your $8 or assume they sent $10?

We stopped worrying about what the sender charged and started looking after OUR business. Since it is WE who will be doing the delivery and bearing the cost of same, we have ALWAYS taken out OUR applicable delivery fee IN REAL DOLLARS (as opposed to discounted wire wampum) from the order before we even started doing the order. And if the order couldn't be filled after that, we either asked for more money or sent it on its way.
hcflorist said:
We stopped worrying about what the sender charged and started looking after OUR business. Since it is WE who will be doing the delivery and bearing the cost of same, we have ALWAYS taken out OUR applicable delivery fee IN REAL DOLLARS (as opposed to discounted wire wampum) from the order before we even started doing the order. And if the order couldn't be filled after that, we either asked for more money or sent it on its way.

Ditto exactly!
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