delphinium corsage??

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Jan 14, 2008
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I have a bride who wants all blue corsages. Will Delphinium hold up in a corsage? I have never used it for corsage work before. It is in May so shouldn't be too hot... what do you think?
i've done it before. but only if they insist. no it does not hold up as well as other stuff.
Utah is dryer than Durango, but almost the same.
I find it works well with some sort of filler, a touch only, and Oasis glued into the basing. Lightly misted with Floralife :Flora Mist" let air dry a few minutes then sealed into bag, maybe the day before the event.
We have used it in plenty of corsages, but not as the main/only flower. Will she let you use white sweethearts with it? If not, maybe get some of the periwinkle blue statice to beef it up with...not ideal, but it beats spray painting anything. Can you still get blue hyacinth in your area in May? I love those and they make very cute corsages (as do blue grape hyacinth). Good luck!
They're much easier to work with in wrist corsages and Eddie (jamese) gave great advice about the product care. Here's a shot of hybrid delph blooms (and white dendrobs) in a wrist corsage -

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I have done the delphinuim corsage and boutonniere quite often. One thing I have always done is dip the bloom in either QuickDip, or in a solution of white carpenter's glue and water. I make sure to keep a little fan near by so after I dip, I give it a little shake, and then in front of the fan (gentle fan of course - or you could blow on it) to make sure the delicate petals don't glue together. Then I let dry on a sheet of waxpaper.

I do the same thing when I wire delphinium for bridal bouquets.

Even in really hot and humid weather, it seems to hold up quite nicely.

Of course, before doing any of that I make sure I process the entire stem by injecting the water up the stem and then putting it in deep water for a few hours...
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