Design -> Proportion

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New Member
Feb 2, 2007
New Hampshire
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New Hampshire
I've got Dan's original book.......and Jim Johnson AIFD has done several shows using the examples from his book......and I HIGHLY recommend getting the book and reading it.
Just an interesting note. .. about this as it relates to floral design.

I had designed for years without training, but, gradually I realized how important classes were and I started studying with some of the best in the industry. This is where I learned about the Fibinacci sequence.

I went back and measured things I had created previously and found that I had subconciously used it in my work. So, is it a natural thing we all have or do certain people possess the ability because of their creative brains?

Dan Harwell's book is outstanding and Jim Johnson does a tremendous job illustrating his thoughts. Dan's background is that he was a airplane pilot turned florist.....very interesting.

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